Suspended platform,suspended scaffolding manufacturer,Traction Hoist,Man Ridding Hoist

double suspended platform help installing glass curtain wall

double suspended platform

double suspended platform
size of double suspended platform
Double suspended platform is customized and designed for installing big size glass on curtain wall.

Sometimes the curtain wall manufacturers use suspended platform to fix the curtain wall , such as screwing bolt, smearing  waterproofing  sealant.If the glass is big,then using double suspended platform is a good choice.

With Double layers  platforms.
Two hoisters are installed on the upper platform.
With two  safety locks.
Length between two platforms can be customized.
Considering the self weight of  two platforms,the size of platform can not designed very big long.
Below are some photos of suspended platform using in installing curtain wall.
These are collected from internet.
Below is a picture of double suspended platform using in high rise building which is like ours.
This photo is also colleted from internet.

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Customized Suspended Platform

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